
CAS Registry Number®

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CAS Name


Molecular Formula


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Cellulose.   CAS Common Chemistry.   CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society, n.d.   http://commonchemistry.cas.org/ChemicalDetail.aspx?ref=9004-34-6 (retrieved 2024-07-27) (CAS RN: 9004-34-6).  Licensed under the Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0).

Compound Properties

  • Melting Point (1)

    76-78 °C
  • Density (2)

    1.04 g/cm³ @ Temp: 20 °C


Other Names and Identifiers

Other Names for this Substance

  • Cellulose
  • Cellulose 248
  • Cellulose crystalline
  • Kingcot
  • Rayophane

Deleted or Replaced CAS Registry Numbers

9012-19-5, 9037-50-7, 9076-30-6, 12656-52-9, 39394-43-9, 51395-76-7, 58968-67-5, 61991-21-7, 61991-22-8, 67016-75-5, 67016-76-6, 68073-05-2, 70225-79-5, 74623-16-8, 75398-83-3, 77907-70-1, 84503-75-3, 89468-66-6, 99331-82-5, 137261-76-8, 152231-69-1, 189398-86-5, 196316-75-3, 209533-95-9, 231290-83-8, 324745-49-5, 358787-62-9, 906542-14-1, 1161712-52-2, 1374408-52-2, 1621420-37-8, 1873279-80-1, 2095812-59-0, 2243384-02-1, 2243384-04-3, 2409008-33-7, 2618568-52-6, 2799647-31-5