Carbon black

CAS Registry Number®

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CAS Name

Carbon black

Molecular Formula


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Carbon black.   CAS Common Chemistry.   CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society, n.d. (retrieved 2024-07-27) (CAS RN: 1333-86-4).  Licensed under the Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0).

Compound Properties

  • Boiling Point (1)

    4200 °C
  • Melting Point (2)

    3550 °C
  • Density (1)

    1.8-2.1 g/cm³


  • (1) Hazardous Substances Data Bank data were obtained from the National Library of Medicine (US)
  • (2) International Chemical Safety Cards data were obtained from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (US)

Other Names and Identifiers

Other Names for this Substance

  • Carbon black
  • Lampblack
  • TM 30
  • Pigment Black 7
  • Witcoblack 100

Deleted or Replaced CAS Registry Numbers

1343-03-9, 12768-98-8, 52623-24-2, 53095-52-6, 53851-02-8, 55353-42-9, 55607-95-9, 56257-79-5, 56257-80-8, 56274-59-0, 56729-25-0, 56729-26-1, 58517-29-6, 61512-59-2, 63661-31-4, 64427-56-1, 72536-89-1, 73560-38-0, 75026-75-4, 76632-92-3, 79921-09-8, 97708-44-6, 97793-37-8, 101239-80-9, 106907-70-4, 109766-76-9, 124760-06-1, 131640-45-4, 133136-50-2, 138464-41-2, 147335-73-7, 179607-25-1, 181719-82-4, 186708-92-9, 186708-96-3, 208728-21-6, 214540-86-0, 334869-08-8, 429685-07-4, 566149-76-6, 681225-93-4, 914651-14-2, 1228663-53-3, 1584692-77-2, 2174005-17-3, 2245821-49-0, 2252327-02-7, 2377164-59-3, 2377634-09-6, 2410296-14-7, 2451359-26-3, 2580316-27-2, 2642622-10-2, 2653239-39-3, 2699030-86-7, 2705804-27-7, 2711036-51-8, 2794958-37-3, 2920237-69-8, 2982607-22-5, 3009879-06-2