Polycaprolactone SRU diethylene glycol diester

CAS Registry Number®

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CAS Name

Polycaprolactone SRU diethylene glycol diester

Molecular Formula


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Polycaprolactone SRU diethylene glycol diester.   CAS Common Chemistry.   CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society, n.d.   http://commonchemistry.cas.org/detail?cas_rn=50327-24-7 (retrieved 2024-07-24) (CAS RN: 50327-24-7).  Licensed under the Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0).

Compound Properties

  • Melting Point (1)

    5.5 °C


Other Names and Identifiers

Other Names for this Substance

  • Poly[oxy(1-oxo-1,6-hexanediyl)], α,α′-(oxydi-2,1-ethanediyl)bis[ω-hydroxy-
  • Niax D 540
  • Niax D 560
  • Niax PCP 0200
  • Niax Polyol PCP 0200

Deleted or Replaced CAS Registry Numbers

39280-05-2, 51810-26-5, 54241-55-3, 69865-33-4, 82905-04-2, 92680-66-5, 92680-68-7, 94188-96-2, 101964-15-2, 112415-85-7, 112993-02-9, 121631-37-6, 218590-74-0, 244178-75-4, 821003-85-4, 850412-30-5, 1226493-67-9, 1938937-92-8, 2057522-15-1, 2098260-37-6, 2199419-27-5