Polyethylene glycol monostearyl ether

CAS Registry Number®

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CAS Name

Polyethylene glycol monostearyl ether

Molecular Formula


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Polyethylene glycol monostearyl ether.   CAS Common Chemistry.   CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society, n.d.   http://commonchemistry.cas.org/detail?cas_rn=9005-00-9 (retrieved 2024-07-27) (CAS RN: 9005-00-9).  Licensed under the Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0).

Other Names and Identifiers

Other Names for this Substance

  • Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), α-octadecyl-ω-hydroxy-
  • Glycols, polyethylene, monooctadecyl ether
  • Poly(oxyethylene) stearyl ether
  • Avivan SO 6
  • Brij 78

Deleted or Replaced CAS Registry Numbers

8013-79-4, 12679-67-3, 31798-99-9, 31917-55-2, 32127-87-0, 51109-88-7, 55247-83-1, 58339-87-0, 59890-16-3, 65489-62-5, 74749-69-2, 74749-72-7, 78690-64-9, 80700-13-6, 96595-44-7, 106707-02-2, 107120-43-4, 107120-44-5, 130419-63-5, 147827-15-4, 161622-43-1, 171286-87-6, 181828-61-5, 459409-05-3, 503027-88-1, 623588-92-1, 1150565-38-0, 1436693-16-1, 2599285-26-2, 2601299-88-9, 2769036-73-7